Today I want to tell you about #LunaBistro and everything it means to me, although I'm sure I can't express everything in words, but I'm trying. Just as our little girl Luna, was born out of a great love, so Luna Bistro was born out of a great love. And like any loving relationship, it always takes two people. Do not think that I managed to do this alone, my husband Dani Grigore has a great merit, sometimes dreams take shape faster in a team. Me, #NelaPricop I'm only good at making magic in the kitchen, he made sure that I had the perfect space and he took care of it in detail, it was not easy. I have always loved to cook for my loved ones, I have always loved food and all that it represents on an emotional level. Luna Bistro is all about nice food, (hence the hashtag #lovelyhealthyfood) with well-chosen ingredients, like for home, like when I cook for the people dearest to me, my little girl, my husband, my parents and my friends.
In the menus I create for my clients I always choose the best dishes, as I do at home, for my family. But I also offer them at Luna Bistro, where you can buy them directly or where you can order them if you are from Constanta.
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